Thursday, January 24, 2008

How could people distinguish which chance is a temptation for the worse or really a clue for a better chance??

Say for example, you are facing a diverged road, and yet you don't know which one you should take... And say, to make it worse, you have been followed by the angel who always guides you and the devil who always tempts you....

Now, how would you distinguish the chance and the temptation???

I have this kind of offer, which I find it realistic, promising, and bright. But the thing is, I don't know that this is a chance or a temptation from the devil??? Is this a temptation or a sign that this is the road I should take?

What decision should I make???

Monday, January 21, 2008

She's not the one for me. Probably, I was just dreaming, without seeing what really is, or who I really am...

I've known her for quite some times, but this crush just grew recently. Full of hope and blooming hearts, I place my faith in her, hoping that she is the one that I'm looking for all this long.

But it turns out that she was not for me, and she is not for me,...

Well, I guess the eagle has to fly to a further distance. The shelter is just yet to come, somewhere, someday!

The Legend of Einstre

Mengesampingkan semua permasalahan yang sebenarnya sudah menunggu untuk dituliskan di dalam blog ini, sepertinya ada sesuatu hal yang sangat ingin kutuliskan di tempat ini.

Endless War : The Legend of Einstre!!!

Ya, sebuah cerita lama yang dulu pernah sangat booming di dalam kelas I.1, secara tiba-tiba muncul menyeruak dari dalam laci lemari belajarku.. Rasanya sangat indah mengenang kembali masa-masa itu, bagaimana bisa membuat sebuah Massive MultiPlayer Role Playing Novel yang mengangkat masalah-masalah yang sedang aktual pada masanya.

Siege Glanz dengan Yuri Kristechov, bagaimana akhirnya cerita itu mengangkat sebuah "perjodohan" di dalam kelas hingga saat ini, sampai yang sebenarnya tidak berdasar. Antara Dark Knight Joffy dengan Betty sang pelacur, hingga Monk Ian dengan Gwinarsh (alias Piglet n Gunarsih, hehehehehe!)....

Entah setan apa yang merasuki diriku, aku kembali membuka komputer dan menuliskan kembali bab 1 dari cerita tersebut. Adegan dimulai dengan percakapan antara Princess Viona dengan Lady Knight Yuri Kristechov. Aaaah, rasanya sudah begitu lama kami berpisah. Sudah tidak ada lagi ilustrasi yang indah dari sang maestro kelas saat itu (credit to Muhamad Rum!)

Ah, kenangan masa itu. Einstre akan tetap selalu hidup di dalam hati kami semua