The third batch of Intermediate class consisted of some mad guys and girls. Some of them were from the previous Pre-Intermediate level. I still have Gina, Angel, Ogi, and Yaya. Only Emi wasn't there. Combined with several newcomers, the class became more colorful. Initially, the coordinator was afraid of my partiality towards the class members, since I grew closer to the previous students. But as the time progressed, the whole class develop into one soul.
And what did I do back then? To be honest, I am still questioning that myself. Was I teaching or was I just merely playing with them? This time, I started losing control over myself. They lighted up the flare triggering my “wild” state. Moreover, I got Uul, my ex-senior during the high-school day, whom I love to trick with her echolaria problem. There was also the duet, Andhi and Taufiq, the OLD (yes, I put the emphasis on the word OLD) but nice Ario, the lecturer. I also had DJ Win, whom you might not thought that he is one, since he was quite serious.
The class changed into a brotherhood and family for each of us. I still remembered how we gathered outside the class, had a “cooking class” during the weekend, and several hangouts. Well, actually we are still hanging out together until now. The inspirational thing came from them was what Ario said, “When I came into your class, I felt like having a relaxation from my office duty. That's why I couldn't wait coming to your class!”
But I cannot have them as my students forever, can I? The next batch came, and to my surprise, they were crazier. There were cousins, Yenny and
After taking care of such a loud class, people would think that I needed a rest. Well, actually no, but somehow the next intermediate class was the smallest in number ever. I only had three students, Ipam, Dyke, and Dimas. Whew! What a challenge, since it was very hard to lift the class' mood and atmosphere. The worst case happened during the presentation, with only one student came LATE. Aaaargh, I felt like banging my head on the wall.
Thankfully, the next batch came with a flock of gooners and looners. There were two Intermediate classes, and I was in charge for both of them. In the first class, I only got 8 students, but they were more than enough for the level of loudness. Sure, there were Dewi and Yani, the cool and calm ones. But on the other hand, I got Satya, the mad scientist, Fryssa Yudha and Paska Aprilia, the deadly duet. Combined with the queen of one liner, Olive, the occassional looner, Vincent, and the posh girl, Weni, the result was C-H-A-O-S!! I didn't need to speak much, they wouldn't stop speaking. I remembered that once someone had to take me over for the class, and she sighed deeply, “What a class!!” Ahahahahaha, you rocked, guys!!
Well, the second class of that period was as fun as the first one, but with a slower tempo. Hangu, Uut, Burhan, Lia, and Tika. All were nice students, quite active and can go wild sometime. Just in a perfect dose (while the previous class suffered from over-dosage of madness). I also got a bunch of pharmacist. Amel and her boyfriend, Dita, and the eternal victim Ema. Nice class, especially useful for balancing my sanity. Hahahahaha!!
In the begining of 2010, I had also two classes of Intermediate level. To be honest, the first class did not leave a strong impression, except for one student, Mr. D. He was the only student who literally made me want to commit homicide in class. Most of the students were standard, not really crazy. Most of the time, I was stunned with all the corny and awkward jokes.
But as the balancing law stated, I got a LOUD class at the second shift. Gee, this class even reminded me of my third period. We were once again united as a family, even managed to secure a name for the class, Syphillis class. Aww, ain't that sweet? (Sweet? That's dirty!). There were Laura, the oldest sister(even older than me), Ria, the overly innocent girl with the chocolatte brownies, Ane, the hype one who happened to be a DJ-apprentice, and Ucrit, the small and childish girl. From the boy side, there were BIG Arif, who was a bit perverted, Tejo, the electrocutted-musician, Prama and Burhan, both with their own madness and silliness, Ernest, the photographer, and Ilham, the little brother of everyone. I really had fun with this class!!! BLASTING, guys!!
Due to some circumstances, there was no intermediate class in the following period. Instead, I was assigned to two pre-intermediate classes. But at least, in the next one, I still got my final intermediate assignment.
My job in CEIC is closed by a nice intermediate level consisted of Aulia, Celly, Pungkas, my old friend in Canista, Ronal, Koko, Tika, the talkative Cindhi, and Donna. Guess that concludes my having fun in that level.
Just realized, I wrote mainly about fun, not teaching. To be honest, teaching in the intermediate level really saves me a lot of stress. It relieved my burned-out mind and distracting all problems that I had in mind, saved for one time. Thanks guys for coloring my two-years of teaching in CEIC!