Mockingbird, the man behind the mastermind. Now you'll see what's inside mockingbird's brain!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Justin Jedlica: A Step Towards Establishing Gay Gaze
To be abruptly honest, my radar rang when I read the article. Driven by my curiosity, I consulted the Almighty Google for further information on Justin. Finally finding his twitter account, my suspicion was proven true. Justin Jedlica is an openly gay man. This revelation on his sexuality then led me into revisiting the concept and construction of gay gaze.
It's no secret that women are doing cosmetic surgeries to transform themselves into beautiful princess. But then, when they appeared more beautiful, these women actually subjected themselves into the trap of male gaze. They surrendered into a state of being objectified. After all, their body alteration was mostly based on man's concept of beauty. If they are being honest, their body alteration was aimed to attract more men (or women in some cases) -despite the claim that they're doing it for themselves. There is no denial that the concept of physical beauty was derived from men's standard and satisfaction.
An interesting thing is that in the heterocentric world full of masculine hegemony, straight men always refused to be objectified. When they are objectified, their position at the peak of power dynamic would be toppled down. That's the reason why there are only male gaze and not female gaze.
Yet, the term gay gaze that has been around in the intellectual limbo for almost two decades actually gives another perspective on men's position in the power dynamics. Due to the nature of same sex attraction, a gay male is willing to be 'objectified' by another man. This does not mean they fall from grace in the power dynamics. At the same time when they were objectified by another man, they are also objectifying another man. The key of this gay gaze is mutual objectification without the occurrence of power stripping. There is a willingness to be objectified, mainly to attract the other party. Without this willingness and temporary power loss, the seduction cannot happen. Furthermore, the loss of power actually does not happen due to the nature of queer power dynamics which operates outside the heteronormative structure.
Coming back to Justin Jedlica, he is actually a further proof of this mutual objectification and man's willingness to be objectified. By transforming his face into Ken-like as well as placing implants in his biceps, triceps, chest, and abs, Justin is actually trying to transform himself into a perfect person sending out invitation to be objectified by other gay men. The logic is, if he does not have the willingness to be objectified, he will not bother transforming himself into a guy with perfect body. Interesting enough, almost all of his body alteration were actually conforming to the stereotype of ideal gay man. Six pack chiseled abs, well rounded chest, slightly bulging biceps and triceps, while still maintaining the lean figure. This is not to generalise that all gay men will be attracted to such figure, as there are many spectrums within.
On the other hand, his constant scoring of himself -and his confession that he will continue altering his body in search for the perfect figure- also shows his objectifying himself. After all, the mutual objectification is a first step of going forward.
Disclaimer : I don't want to sound homophobic or stereotypical, but I just want to explore more of Laura Mulvey's idea on the 'male gaze' towards the construction and establishment of 'gay gaze'.
Saturday, September 01, 2012
Kepada seorang wanita
Monday, August 27, 2012
You think it would hurt? Don't ask me. I felt so damn numb at that moment. She was my first girl capturing my heart, but at the same time she is also one of my best friends. As if that does not complicate thing, we've known each other since we were five. Going back further into the past, her uncle happened to have a crush on my mother. Yes, even from childhood, my love life has been that complicated.
Coming back to the wedding ceremony, I didn't have any choice rather than attending the church blessing. Yet, the pressure from the air inside the church brought me rehearsing the "Final Lair" act from the Phantom of the Opera. In that scene, I was Erik the Phantom and she was my Christine. After trying so hard to seduce her, she finally entrusted my heart to me. Yet, due to the circumstance, my Christine had to leave me despite her feeling only to marry Raoul.
Yes, I was imagining that despite her being in front of the altar, she was still in love with me. And I repeatedly rewinding the scene of me trying to woe her with my "Music of the Night".
But it never happened.
I'm just a phantom without my Christine........
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Merindu Sastra
Terdorong oleh rasa ingin tahu, saya mengambil buku tersebut dan membacanya di tempat. Betapa terkejutnya saya ketika membaca bahwa kebanyakan tokoh dalam cerita itu memiliki nama yang sangat kebarat-baratan. Mungkin bukan sesuatu yang salah, tapi dalam benakku praktek seperti itu biasanya akan mengarah ke suatu cerita yang sangat dangkal. Mungkin ini hanyalah sebuah prejudice pribadi, mungkin.
Tapi membaca beberapa cerpen yang ada di sana sekilas, ada sesuatu yang terasa kurang dari tulisan-tulisan itu. Semua cerpen yang ada di dalam buku itu serasa seperti cerpen-cerpen yang pernah dimuat di beberapa majalah remaja. Cerpen yang bisa dibaca dan dipshami maknanya dalam waktu kurang dari 5 menit. Cerpen yang tidak akan meninggalkan jejak dan kesan yang mendalam di dalam ingatan.
Cerita-cerita yang tersaji di dalam kumpulan itu terjebak di dalam batasan satu dimensi, dimana cerita tersebut akan selalu diinterpretasikan dan dipahami secara seragam oleh orang yang berbeda di waktu yang berbeda. Tidak ada multi interpretasi yang biasanya dimiliki leh karya-karya sastra klasik. Pengarang-pengarang cerita itu seolah ingin menegaskan posisi mereka sebagai pemegang otoritas tertinggi, sebagai satu-satunya sumber kebenaran. Hal ini menyebabkan tertutupnya ruangan dan tempat bagi para pembaca untuk memasukkan diri, ide, pikiran, gagasan, dan interpretasi mereka sendiri ke dalam karya tersebut.
Sebuah gagasan lain segera menyusul menembus pikiranku, apakah ini pengaruh dari kebudayaan dunia maya yang mulai menyebar di kehidupan masa kini? Dunia maya yang menyuguhkan kecepatan mengakses data dalam waktu singkat. Sebuah kemudahan instan dan cepat yang tidak menuntut pemakainya untuk berpikir dan menggunakan logika secara menyeluruh. Hanya cukup mengetikkan sesuatu, informasi yang dicari akan langsung didapat. Tidak perlu susah-susah mengetahui prosesnya, yang penting adalah jawaban akhirnya. Lalu, apakah paradigma itu sudah juga masuk ke dunia tulis-menulis dan sastra kita? Dengan hadirnya karya-karya yang tidak membutuhkan tafsir dan multi interpretasi? Dengan ditutupnya ruangan tempat para pembaca bisa memasukkan pengalaman mereka sendiri ke dalam cerita?
Dan pertanyaan yang paling signifikan, sadarkah para penulis itu bahwa begitu sebuah karya telah dipublikasikan, pengarang akan telah mati?
Terus terang, walaupun saya pernah sangat membenci Atheis-nya Achdiyat Kartamihardja, tapi saya merindukan karya semacam itu. Karya kontroversial tetapi tidak dangkal. Karya semacam Olenka-nya Budi Dharma yang walaupun membuat saya mengernyitkan kening berjam-jam, tetapi membuat saya bisa tercekat dalam proses membacanya. Karya seperti Pengakuan Pariyem yang membawa saya ke dalam orgasme sastra lebih tinggi dari orgasme biologis melalui kata-kata sederhana. Atau bahkan Burung-Burung Manyar yang membuat saya berpikir kembali tentang kebenaran dan kehidupan. Bukan hanya gimmick yang ternyata hanya sebatas footnote berpanjang-panjang yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan perkembangan cerita (I'm looking at you, Supernova!).
Saya rindu membaca karya baru dengan level itu!
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Simple Things
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Digital Natives and the Critical Thinking
education system –that we should look at the newest generation in a completely
different perspective. Yes, in a glance, this might seem like a light of tolerance
and understanding to younger inhabitants in our society. However, daunting
feeling and frowns coming along with the assumption imply a slur in disguise
towards the problem.
The emergence of the first digital-natives wave turned out to stir previously-non-
existent problem in their dependency to cyber sources. As a first generation to be
familiarized with the rise of Web 2.0 (which gave birth to the new interactivity
level in the internet), recent students demonstrated their so-called cyber
addiction. What was then known as cozy library filled with musky smells of
old antiquarian books is now considered as a relic of beautiful past. When
students are seen flocking the library, what they are mostly doing is finding air-
conditioned room with free internet access.
This kind of attitude went further in the trivialization of library’s function itself.
With the over-worshipping of cyberworld and nostalgic view against physical
library, attitude to potential of sources in library started to change as well.
Students started to feel demotivated in going and carefully looking for books
as part of their references. They would prefer to go online and consult Google
Almighty –and its twin brother, Saint Wikipedia- for essential information in
their research. Consequently, library research is now toppled down by Google
research. No longer students carefully scrutinize piles of books next to the
notebook and pen, as they can easily type the keyword and get the appropriate
Indeed the easier information finding process facilitated by the internet, more
times can be saved. Therefore, information chaining browsing is completely
feasible. Some experienced scholars might even be able to find the key terms
they need to dig and explore deeper by this faster processing. Yet, these
experienced scholars already posses the basic of critical analysis forged by their
times working together with heaps of papers. Their constant scrutiny of key
terms in the index and scanning ability for the whole book –instead of reading
cover by cover- proved to be a training ground to look for more references. By
comparing these various references, these scholars also developed skepticism
against the validity of the information. This skepticism, in turn, triggers them to
constantly find some contested views against the subject matter and gave birth
to fresh critiques and even breakthrough.
The birth of Web 2.0 –to be more specific, Saint Wikipedia- has since gave space
to document the journey of various subject matters. Yet, due to the easy access,
most of the information is compressed and squeezed, leaving only the surviving
core problems and theories. Contested views are rarely elaborated in the same
manner with main subjects, thus rendering them only as some flaw concepts in
the development. Seldom are these concepts explained as some contributions
in the revision of main concept. Thus, the digital natives take only the surviving
main concepts as granted.
Acceptance of something as granted leads the digital natives to lose touch with
their critical thinking. Well, I might be exaggerating as not all of this generation is
losing their critical analysis ability, but speaking from my classroom experience,
a great deal of them suffer from this lack. When they are asked to write a paper
or invoke the analysis on the subject matter, they tend only to quote the main
theories without any carefully crafted logic behind. The concept is only seen as
the “only” product, not as “final” product. Thus, no flaws of the theories are found
in the philosophical basis. Concepts and theories become merely black and white,
only correct and incorrect.
This rendition of concepts and theories as merely two sides of the coin –
leaving no space between- is very much detrimental in education and academic
world. Polarized truth like this may lead to the shallow prejudice of the views,
regardless of the logic behind their conception and development. Being spoilt
by type-search-find process, the habit of scrutinizing whole texts is also slowly
disintegrating from the current generation. Without the scrutinizing ability, the
shallow prejudice will chain into shallow attack when these students disagree
to the concepts, attacking only the surface level of their understanding on the
concepts –leaving behind the philosophical basis. The virtually non-existent
space between polarized truths has left no room for neither compromising nor
development opportunity.
So, from what perspective should we see this current generation? I try to exempt
myself from aligning with the negative force by not saying that they are beyond
repair. However, I found a great difficulty in motivating them to raise critical
thinking in all their papers. Being spoilt by the blessing of Google Almighty
and Saint Wikipedia has changed their perspectives of scrutiny and deeper
investigation. These cyber patrons have freed them from academic skepticism
and bestowed upon them the salvation from constant questioning and long
debates of subject matter.
Then, what needs to be done? I will sound like an old man here, but the
preservation of remnants from pre Web 2.0 should be done. There needs to be a
historian and note keeper for the ancient critical tradition and attitudes towards
knowledge and scholarship. We, the surviving members of pre digital native era,
should shoulder the responsibility of guiding these newer generation, ensuring
that the old tradition should blend seamlessly to the new digital culture. Thus, it
will give birth to a better coming generation of scholarship.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
An Evening Retreat
The firm bookshelves stood still in the corner against the claws of shadow surrounding them. Brownish wood constructing those shelves emitted some kind of warmth covering the whole library. Trying to break the nocturnal stillness, a standing lamp in the corner buzzed its way alongside the warm yellowish light.
You entered the room and brought me a cup of coffee. Black, hot, smoky, and strong. Just the way I always liked it. Your eyes rolled and scanned the whole room, trying to check that there was no possible distraction lurking in the corner of our small library. I glimpsed at you, ensured you the calmness of the night, the soft embrace of mother moon, and the protection from stellar soldiers.
On my lap, Kafka laid down enveloped by brown leather cover. Did you remember how precious is this book? How we ventured the dodgy marketplace only to smirk gaily after laying our hands on this rare masterpiece?
You slowly tiptoed your way towards me with that cup of coffee. Call me crazy, but nothing beat coffee next to my books. You, on the other hand, were and still are quite fussy about the possibility of spilling the cup onto the papers. If only you knew at the moment, that your presence posed stronger caffeine than the coffee.
Shrugging your way next to me, I slowly moved my hand from the book and embraced your existence. Still, nervous, quirky. That was how you reacted at first. But then, I caught a glimpse of comfort in the corner of your lips. That bashful look, the cheeky smile, and finally the tilting of your head to my shoulder. All those gestures encouraged me to further divorce Kafka’s mesmerizing words.
My palm moved to your head, stroking your black hair. With no hesitation, you placed your head on my laps; your eyes stared directly to my eyes. As I moved my head closer to yours, your fair hand reached to the back of my head. I could hear the soft voice penetrating every layer and fiber in my ears. “Read it for me….”
That was what you wanted, us reaching brain orgasms together in the threesome with Franz Kafka. Your other hand reached the leather bound book and gave it to me. I opened the first hand and started reading it next to you. “As Gregor Samsa woke one morning from uneasy dream…..”
You shut your eyes and got ready to embrace the aural pleasure. Sometimes you sighed, sometimes you just murmured, but I know that you wanted me to continue.
And I continued……
And the lamp was still buzzing while the night was still.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Rintihan Satyawati
Wanita itu mengernyitkan keningnya setiap kali sebilah pedang terhunus dan menebas sebuah kepala atau tangan atau kaki atau anggota badan yang lain. Setiap kematian yang terjadi dalam kesunyian menggerakkan bibir sang wanita. Matanya senantiasa memicing seolah menahan perih pedih dari ribuan onak duri yang mengikat tubuhnya.
“Wahai Sanghyang Widhi, kasihanilah hambamu ini!” rintihnya lirih. Desahan-desahan yang mencermikan kepedihannya tidak lagi terhitung jumlahnya. Lima hari sudah ia terpaksa didera oleh ribuan onak duri. Setiap kematian yang terjadi di padang Kurusetra menambah jumlah duri yang menusuk tubuhnya.
Nama wanita itu, Satyawati. Demikianlah ia mendapatkan gelar keratuannya itu oleh karena kasih setianya kepada suami pertamanya. Durgandini, nama lahirnya sebagai seorang putri kerajaan yang dibuang. Dan Rara Amis, julukan yang disandangnya oleh karena bau amis yang merebak dari tubuhnya semasa muda. Bau amis yang menghantarnya keluar dari keraton Wirata.
Tak henti-hentinya dia menangis melihat darah dagingnya saling membunuh. Koyakan batin yang dialaminya jauh lebih menyakitkan ketika melihat keponakannya dibunuh oleh salah satu dari ratusan cucunya. Bahkan saudara kembarnya, Prabu Matsyapati, sang raja diraja kerajaan Wirata mati terbunuh oleh salah satu anak buah cucunya.
Rintihan sang saudara tercinta terasa bagai cambuk yang melecut sekujur tubuhnya, bagaikan api yang membara menghanguskan seluruh jiwanya. Hubungan batin diantara keduanya telah membuat Satyawati merasakan derita dari ujung kaki hingga ujung rambutnya. Rasanya bagaikan seseorang mencabut jiwanya secara paksa. Jantungnya yang selalu berdetak kencang seolah berhenti selamanya pada saat itu.
Di antara derai air matanya, Satyawati berbisik perlahan, “Salahku…..”
Benaknya melayang-layang kembali ke masa lalu, ke masa dimana dia sengaja menggoda Santanu, sang maharaja kerajaan Hastinapura, di atas perahunya. Ia mengetahui sorot ketertarikan sang maharaja kepadanya, sorot yang bercampur dengan binar kesepian dan kesedihan atas kehilangan sang istri. Hanya dengan sekerlingan, kekuasaan dan kekayaan akan kembali atasnya, kesempatannya untuk meraih kembali kedigdayaan dan darah biru yang sempat tercerabut darinya.
Dengan menggunakan topeng wanita yang tak berdaya, Satyawati menggunakan kelemahannya untuk menjaga kelangsungan kekuasaan darah dan dagingnya. Masih segar dalam ingatannya bagaimana ia membuat anak tirinya, Bhisma Dewabrata, mengucapkan sumpah untuk tidak memiliki keturunan demi menjaga kestabilan politik kerajaan Hastinapura. Tapi yang tidak ia perhatikan adalah berlangsungnya keturunan dinasti Kuru yang sama sekali tidak berhubungan darah dengan Santanu. Dan darah dagingnya itu, yang diturunkan dari anaknya –Resi Abiyasa, yang merusak kedamaian Mayapada dengan perang saudara mereka, perang saudara yang membawa serta manusia, raksasa, gandarwa, bahkan para dewa.
Semua kembali ke ketamakannya. “Dhuh Sanghyang Widhi, ampuni hamba. Ambisi hambalah yang menyebabkan semua ini. Tariklah jiwa dan kehormatan atas nama Satyawati. Cabutlah tambahan dini dari nama hamba, karena kehancuran ini terjadi atas nama Durga!”
Tapi langit kelam hanya diam tak berkata, meninggalkan Satyawati sendirian berkutat dengan cabikan duri di kulit, batin, dan jiwanya. Tetes-tetes darah tak henti membentuk noda merah di tanah. Setiap jerit sunyi kematian para prajurit mengalir keras melalui bibir sang permaisuri kuna.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
From Batman to Kevin Keller
In the mid 1950's, people started speculatig that there was a special relationship between Batman and Robin. After all, Bruce Wayne -Batman's civilian identity- is a wealthy man with no female romantic interest who chose to live a single life in his bleak manor, accompanied only by a butler and a younger boy. Many people then extrapolated a paedophilic relationship between Wayne and Robin, a suspicion which was only heightened by Frederic Wertham's Seduction of Innocence, published in 1954.
To dispel these rumours, DC Comics decided to introduce Batwoman and Batgirl as love interests for Batman and Robin in 1956. Having written Batwoman out in 1964, she was brought back in 2006 but with her civilian identity depicted as a lesbian. This denotes the inexistence of mere subtextual homosexuality for the Bat-family.
Another gay superhero from DC Comics was the rather less famous Obsidian, a member of the Justice Society of America. Obsidian is always portrayed as endeavouring to make his father accept his sexuality: in JSA vol.3 #43, Obsidian and his father have a conversation about relationships where his father is hesitant to use the term 'boyfriend'. Another time, Obsidian claims that he had been "cured" of his homosexuality by an enemy attack on him -a couple of panels later he breaks his comrades' stunned silence, saying: "Relax, folks. Only kidding. Still gay. Seriously, I wish you could all see your faces right now!" (JSA vol. 3 #40). This clearly references opinions of homosexuality as a 'disease'.
DC Comic's Wildstorm branch, which writes comics aimed at a more mature audience, featured in The Authority the couple Midnighter and Apollo. They are the first gay couple to have a wedding, and later they adopt a baby girl named Jenny Quantum. Interestingly, they were created based on the image of Batman and Superman.
The token gay character of the other main publisher, Marvel Comics, is Northstar from Alpha Flight team, and was intended to be gay since his conception. However, the company's policy was "no openly gay characters", and the Comic Code Authority prevented publications of any kind of sexuality. Therefore, the creator was only able to imply his sexuality. In the late 1980s, Northstar contracted a 'mysterious illness', signifying AIDS. Later on, his illness is stated to be due to his being half-fairy, another allusion to gay culture. This provoked a sarcastic comment from the comic writer, Peter David: "He isn't gay. He is just a faerie!"
Alpha Flight #106, published in 1992, was historic in that, for the first time, a character in a mainstream comic came out of the closer. Northstar finally said "I am gay!' during his fistfight with Captain Maple Leaf. That edition of Alpha Flight eas sold out in a week, despite the low sales the series had previously received. Subsequently there have been several storyline about his sexuality -the first dealt with his twin sister, whose shock over his sexuality caused her to develop split personality -one which accepted him and the one which did not. In the early 2000s, Northstar joined the X-Men and had to deal with homophobic treatment by Omerta, who refused to work with him until Northstar proved his superiority and became his instructor. Northstar also became a role-model for the young gay mutant, Anole. When he rejoined teh X-Men in 2010, he stated that has was not joining them as a 'token gay', but as a 'normal' mutant.
Marvel Comics also features several homosexual couples, such as the long-term lesbian couple Mystique and Destiny. Like Northstar, it was always hinted that they were an item, but the Comic Code and the company's policy did not allow their relationship to be explicitly recognised. Although both of them are villains, their relationship was always portrayed as a heartfelt one. Both of them were born in the early 20th century, but while Mystique remained young, Destiny grew old. Despite their differing ages, Mystique takes great care of her lover. Originally, the story writer intended Mystique and Destiny to be the biological parents of Nightcrawler, an X-Men member. Due to Mystique's shape-shifting ability, this could be possible if she morphed into a man for the conception. However, this idea was rejected by the company, and they were only finally confirmed as a couple in the mid 1990s. Destiny finally meets her demise while lying to Mystique in order to save her life. Her death was depicted like that of other heroes: she died in the arms of her lover.
Another Marvel couple was Wiccan and Hulkling from Young Avengers, who differ from the other couples in that they are both in their mid-teens. When they were revealed to be a gay couple, readers' opinions were divided, with the fan mail page for six editions full of both support for the characters and condemnation of 'attempts to corrupt the younger generations'. The creator, an out gay man, argued that he created these characters as role models for LGBT teenagers. Wiccan and Hulkling are written as having a 'normal' relationship with supporting parents and friends.
A third Marvel couple is Rictor and Shatterstar from X-Factors. Their first kiss (also the first gay kiss in the Marvel-verse) is featured in X-Factors vol.3 #45 and won the writer Peter David a GLAAD Media Award in 2011. Shatterstar was initially introduced as an asexual killing machine, while Rictor dated several women before admitting that he was always gay and was simply closeted before meeting Shatterstar. Rictor and Shatterstar were chosen as one of Marvel's 10 Super Couples in 2010.
Top Cow, another publisher, recently made Danielle Baptiste -a protagonist in Withcblade and Angelus- bisexual: her relationship with a girl a focal point in her miniseries. Archie Comics has introduced their first gay character, Kevin Keller, in Veronica #202. Both major and minor publishers started to recognise the desires of LGBT people to be represented in comic books, and the inclusion of LGBT people is surely only going to continue in the coming years.
(This article was originally published in [no definition] magazine, Easter 2011 under the title "From Batman to Kevin Keller: A Portrait of LGBT Characters in Comics)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
White Rose
The whitest of the pristine ones
As I saw you walking down in the regalia
And looking really proud.
It’s the whitest rose I could find
Striped from all the thorns,
Just white and clean
As you like it to be
And then the smile came upon your lips
As bright as the stars
As red as the ripe apple.
So it came upon me,
That the white rose was out of place
As your happy face devoured the humble bud
Turning my back,
I put the rose on the ground
And went away