Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people living life in peace...
(Imagine - John Lennon)
Yup, if only there's no such things like Countries and Religion....... I mean, let's focus on this religion thing. I've seen a lot of conflict related with religion. From big conflict that caused war to small conflict that caused a separation between friends. Let's take a look, the reason behind the existence of religion.
First of all, human create religion to fulfill their needs of God. Yet, this was the main purpose, and it was very great. But then, somehow they began to create such kind of rituals, which they said to worship God. But, do God really need such kind of rituals?? The real essence of worshiping God is not in the ritual, but in the act and heart itself. Yet, this rites grow bigger and began to make a differences in the world, which causes a lot of conflict.
Oh come on, what so wrong by being so different? Well, each religion had a dark past in their history, but who had no dark past? Let;s just forget about it, and step into a brighter future!!!! If your purpose is worshiping God, could you put those dogmas outside! You may use it, but please do not make it the first thing in your religious life. I've seen so many conflict happened because of those dogmas!!! (About valentine's day, kissing, veiling, etc,etc!!!!!! Students in SMA 2 must have remembered those things!!!!)
For Yason and Ajeng, please. Realize that the secularism is caused by opeople like you!!!!
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