Iseng-iseng aku buka Wikipedia. Ga ada kerjaan, aku search aja arti Siddha, (walopun dari dulu dah dikasih tau artinya ma bapak-ibu). N, begitu buka resultnya.......
A Siddha in Sanskrit means "One who is accomplished" and refers to perfected masters who have transcended the Ahamkara (Ego or I-maker), have subdued their minds to be subservient to their Awareness, and have transformed their bodies composed mainly of dense Rajo-tama Gunas into a different kind of bodies dominated by Satva. This is usually accomplished only by persistent meditation over many lifetimes.
A Siddha has also been defined to refer to one who has attained a Siddhi. The Siddhis as paranormal abilities are considered emergent abilities of an individual that is on the path to Siddhahood, and do not define a Siddha, who is established in the Pranav - the Aum, which is the spiritual substrate of creation. The Siddhi in its pure form means "the attainment of flawless identity with Reality (Brahman); perfection of Spirit."
Wao wao woa!!!! Apa itu??? What the........ Sial! Jauh banget! Person who has achieved oerfection? Edan! Jangankan jadi perfect being, kehidupan dan diriku aja super amburadul, masih ga jelas juntrungannya!
Mau nggak mau, aku teringat lagi akan kehidupanku, akan begitu banyak jalan yang kusesali! Akan keadaan diriku sekarang yang jauh dari sempurna! Akan kepribadianku yang sama sekali tidak bisa kutaklukan! Hahahaha, ironis banget! Jauh...............................
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