Okay, I will explain it first to those not knowing gaydar. This is some kind of a device, but it is innate. Most probably, this is equal to the LAD (Language Acquisition Device) naturally implanted within us.. However, not everyone possess this “natural” device. Only some chosen (or mutated) being have it. Me? I have to admit that I am some kind of a mutant. Hehehehe!
What is the use of this gaydar???? Well, as the name suggested, this is a radar to locate gay (and also bisexual).
Then, what is so wrong with that?
Umm, I'd like to say that being gifted with such amazing natural radar is also similar to being a mutant in Marvel Universe. Why? This can be a precious gift, but in some cases, this can also be a curse. You can easily tell which one is gay, which one is bisexual, and which one is so damn straight. Of course, since nothing perfect in the world, the accuracy level is only between 80-90 %. (Hehehehe, that is high enough, dude!)
Why curse? Because you can be freaked out knowing that we are surrounded by many cong. In my case, I am surprised most of the time knowing the number of closeted cong laying their eyes on me. Most people with no gaydar would certainly think nothing, but those with gaydar will certainly know what happened. Wew!
My friend know this ability of mine. And GOD DAMN IT, they often asked me about several people. Well, mostly Cha and Ri ask me whether a cute guy that they like is straight or not. (I think I have to start ask for money to them, for giving them the consultation. Like Bu Lani said, nothing gratis in this world. Wakakakakakakakakaka!) But, the coin will always have two sides. I am most certainly freaked out when finding that my most favorite lecturer generate the signal that ring my bell. WHAT THE F**K!!!! Ouch!(FYI, I have this one friend who also possess gaydar, and her bell also rang towards this lecturer. So, this is not my own prejudice though!)
Yes, at some times, I just wish this dar shut, leaving me in peace of not knowing someone's concealed identity. But at some times, it is also fun to do things (*grinning and glancing at passing people). Thanks to Cha and Ri, who keep asking me, this dar gets stronger. Not only being able to distinguished upon gay, bisexual, and straight, I am now able to distinguished top, bottom, and versatile (accuracy not guaranteed, hehehehe!)
Those two girls often asked me hanging out at Ambarukmo Plaza, watching people passed by us. Then we were practicing our gaydar and bitchdar (ak.a. telling how bitch a woman is). So? Yes, we are so sick ^_^; Meaning everybody passed us at Amplaz will certainly have their score.... Duh!
Ri : Hey, what about this cute guy?
Me : Obvious! Bottom!
Cha : The one standing there, with yellow polo?
Me : Good news, he's so damn straight.
Mit : Okay, that one? Walking together with the veiled woman?
Me : Ummm, I'd say denial. Trying so hard to deny his gayness.
(sexy lass passed us)
Me : Cha, that lady?
Ri, Mit, and Cha : BITCH!!!!
Me : Ouch. The lady over there?
Cha : Need to ask? Sluttish!
Dan : Okay, these couples?
Mit : Obvious, dude!
Dan : Who's pitching, and who's catching?
Ri : Ummm, the fair one is the catcher, right?
Me : Yup!
Dan & Me : Those ladies over there?
Mit : Bitch!
Cha : Bitch? She's slut!
(and the story of sick peoples continued............)
I like it when my name is mentioned in your every blog. Free publication, eh? Nice..
Thanks. Hehehehehe...
Commenting on someone's comment that the bitchiness or gayness rate should be included in our people watching activity, I would say: We only provide general information. For specific information, please hire us by calling this number: 08562953106. Hehehehehe
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