Hmmmm, so what is the point of this family reunion???
Well, it's just the experience that my two cousin got real close with me. Wawa, who is famous to be hard in getting close with new people, suddenly all into me. I even made him asleep (something even Gyubo confused with!) And Brandon? He even called me Gege (a.k.a. Koko.... Brother in chinese!) Ow, it really made me really touched!
Err, it really was something very important to me. Why? Because I was in the chinese community, and accepted without my feeling weird. I didn't feel any strangeness or indifference! And I was even regarded as chinese myself. Really the time for me to get back in touch with my other half.
"Ge Ge Xi Da, let's play together!"
"Ge Ge, wa wa ma mam!" (meaning: Ge Ge, wawa mau makan!)
Seeing me in a physical form, it was nearly impossible for someone to call me Ge Ge instantly! But they did! And they got close instantly too, though we never met before!
And when I went home, Brandon kept asking, "Ge Ge Xi Da, where are you going?? I'm going with you!!"
Ow, so memorable.. Kapan lagi jal aku bisa dipanggil Ge Ge??????
PS : Te Fang-Fang, I posted Wawa's pic here... Hehehehe!
Hi..Xi Da, ni hao??
bagaimanapun dan dimanapun kamu gak akan bisa melepas takdir-mu, dalam hidupmu & bersama aliran darahmu, syukuri krn itu yang membuat keberadaanmu unik. I'm glad to know your cousins close to you. Itu membuktikan bahwa dalam diri-mu dan dalam diri-nya mengalir darah yang sama, so don't be worried kamu gak akan dipanggil "ge ge" lagi. They'll call you ge-ge forever, saat kau beranjak tua nanti-pun mereka tetap akan memanggil kamu ge-ge..tidak akan digantikan kecuali engkau sendiri yang meminta...have a nice day...
Ehehehe, thanks!!
Eh, ini te Fang-Fang kan?
One minute, please!
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