But the discovery of the profile has ruined it all. Seeing his name, I knew instantly that it really was him. Clicking on the link, I still hoped that at least he wrote bisexual in his sexuality tab. But turned out that it was clearly stated G.A.Y..........
I know I shan't do this, but I did cry. Yes, I'm crying in front of my computer, crying for him, crying for myself, for being such an asshole to myself, for my continuous denial, and for everything.
No wonder that he's been acting so strange when we gathered last time. It's probably because he's ashamed of himself, of worrying about the unveiling moment. Yep, he was very strict and not flexible.
It was very hard for me to really accept the fact. The slide show of his picture in the site was very painful. Every smile in that pictures brought another tear for me to shed. My chest seemed to burst anytime that I couldn't bear it anymore.
However, after spending a very rough nite, I woke up in joy the following morning. I recalled my resolution long ago, that I am not going to lose another friend whatever is the cause!
Thus, to my dear friend, wherever you are, you have to know, that I'm still your friend. No, we're still your friend! After all, we belong to the same gank ever since the elementary school, eh?
So Mr. Colombus, you are not the only queer here. We are queers in our own way! You can always turn to us anytime.
Private Fotzen
Live Girls
Geile Girls
Are you sure? With what you wrote on this post?
Honestly, it's shocking me.
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