"Point! I lose my salary basically for that reason, Chrys. Sometimes, I hang out in J-Co after work to do some gossiping under the simple reason "Rejuvination for tomorrow's work". If I couldn't come, I'll be alienated by my colleagues. Fyuh, what a bad relationship..."
(Courtesy of sinting_maut, automatically translated into English. Hehehehe!)
Jah! Reading this comment, I suddenly slipped into a dimensional wormhole and revisiting some moments in my life. This is what is happening in my office. A high demand of social gathering over professional advance. Damn, I am expected to come to the office doing nothing only for the sake of avoiding alienation. Meanwhile, my translation project is left behind. (Darn, haven't had the chance even to read the accursed Killing Freud!).
The thing is, some office culture demand us to spend more time with them than enjoying ourselves. This is something that I don't quite understand. After being absorbed with work for a long time, how could people choose not to have time for themselves.
Well, hanging out together with friends for work is also one of the ways. But then, it should not be obligatory. Once in a while, we should have the right to reject the offer.
Hanging out together with some friends for the office is not bad. What I hate is the concept of singular world. Yep, just like the principle of "There is no life outside debate" in which I never agree with. So guys, please avoid the sentence, "There is no life outside the office" (or to be more precise, There is no life outside the institution? Hehehehe!)

Under the snow
Beneth the frozen streams
There is life
You'll have to know
When nature sleeps she dreams
There is life
And the colder the winter
The warmer the spring
The deeper the sorrow
The more our hearts sing
Even when you can't see it
Inside everything
There is Life...
(There Is Life - Allison Krauss - OST Bambi 2)
Beneth the frozen streams
There is life
You'll have to know
When nature sleeps she dreams
There is life
And the colder the winter
The warmer the spring
The deeper the sorrow
The more our hearts sing
Even when you can't see it
Inside everything
There is Life...
(There Is Life - Allison Krauss - OST Bambi 2)
See, even Bambi thought so.
Hahaha, theoritically bambi thought so...
tapi dalam kehidupan nyata agak sulit buat nentang arus... I'll try my best lah, cuman mumngkin harus bertahap yah...
ada istilah yg gw agak lupa, kalo ga salah assertif, berani berkata tidak... mungkin gw harus belajar banyak untuk menjadi assertive person...
Wah, saya dari dulu penentang arus masalahnya!
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