Sunday, January 04, 2009

Yon: Surprising Change!

Yesterday (3/01), I had a reunion with friends from elementary school. It seems funny, meeting them again after all this time. Well, that was not the first reunion though, since the first reunion was held two years ago. But in this opportunity, some people who couldn't make it to the first reunion managed to come. And yea, it is always fun to catch up some update from people.

One of the coming people was Yon, an ex-bully. And I was one of his victims. He bullied those smart asses (meaning I was one of the smart asses?? Hehehe! Kinda like that!) He did porn, he stole golden earrings, he fought seniors, and things. When we were in the junior high, I heard rumor that his arms were full with scratches. That could only signify his being an IDU (Injected Drug User). There was also a rumor that he had been convicted as a criminal.

A day before reunion, I got information that he'll come to the reunion. Damn, in an instant, the memory of being bullied by him came into my mind. I started imagining him coming as a big badass tattoed thug.

And, surprise came. He emerged as a reformed youngster. Completely a new person. All his words seemed so 'not him'. He told us that he changed his life, tried to lead a new life. He worked as a bartender in the Hyatt Surabaya, having reached a position as a captain. His regret and reforming commitment of not bullying others, not teaching drugs, and avoiding violence.

In the last session, however, I finally see that the basic trait cannot be changed. If he seek domination by violence in the elementary school, now he seeks domination over discussion and forum. He talked in a good and convincing way. But overall, his changes really surprised the rest of the class though.

Good luck brother, good luck in living the live, good luck in stepping all those narrow roads.

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