"We loved so many, yet hated so much
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves,
yet even then,
we ran like the wind,
under the cerulean sky"
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves,
yet even then,
we ran like the wind,
under the cerulean sky"
Well, it says something. It reminded me of the equilibrium between light and shadow. There will always be a shadow when light presents. The two are always co-exist. One completes the other, and without one there will be no other.
Thus, in one's life, we cannot make every people love us for the way we are. There are always those who hated us, no matter how good we are doing things. There is no way we could avoid people's hatred upon us. However, this could also be applied towards ourselves. No matter how good we are, there must be some people that we hate.
It is just like the principle of yin and yang from the ancient china, in which we cannot have all white or all black. We love and we hate, it's an inevitable fact.
However, the next thing would also be interesting. Remember the saying, "We reap what we sow"? When we hate people and tried to hurt them, indirectly we are hurting ourselves. We hurt others and were hurt ourselves. There is no way to avoid the pain. Even the old javanese saying said, "When you are pointing mistake of others, your three fingers are pointing at yourself!"
People are actually mirror of ourselves. When we hurt them, we hurt our reflection. And when you attack mirror, things will just bounce back to yourself. When we hit on someone, we actually wanted to shatter ourselves down. That is why, hurting and being hurt are actually one hell of a circle.
However, it is the circle of life. No matter what we do, we cannot have just one side. As long as there is love, there will be hate. As long as we hurt others, we cannot escape from the pain. But we still need to progress through the life, keep running, for we will find the cerulean sky above us.
PS : It gives me an urge to elaborate this writing even further. Probably will do a continuation of this later on!
Thus, in one's life, we cannot make every people love us for the way we are. There are always those who hated us, no matter how good we are doing things. There is no way we could avoid people's hatred upon us. However, this could also be applied towards ourselves. No matter how good we are, there must be some people that we hate.
It is just like the principle of yin and yang from the ancient china, in which we cannot have all white or all black. We love and we hate, it's an inevitable fact.
However, the next thing would also be interesting. Remember the saying, "We reap what we sow"? When we hate people and tried to hurt them, indirectly we are hurting ourselves. We hurt others and were hurt ourselves. There is no way to avoid the pain. Even the old javanese saying said, "When you are pointing mistake of others, your three fingers are pointing at yourself!"
People are actually mirror of ourselves. When we hurt them, we hurt our reflection. And when you attack mirror, things will just bounce back to yourself. When we hit on someone, we actually wanted to shatter ourselves down. That is why, hurting and being hurt are actually one hell of a circle.
However, it is the circle of life. No matter what we do, we cannot have just one side. As long as there is love, there will be hate. As long as we hurt others, we cannot escape from the pain. But we still need to progress through the life, keep running, for we will find the cerulean sky above us.
PS : It gives me an urge to elaborate this writing even further. Probably will do a continuation of this later on!
wow... wow... wow...
kali ini bener-bener menyentuh dan menyadarkan kita bahwa keberadaan orang lain especially special person akan membuat hidup kita menjadi lebih sempurna, betul gitu chrys??
kebayang kalo ngga ada shadow yang terbentuk dari cahaya, maka semua benda jadi seakan tidak nyata...
dan kebayang kalo ngga ada orang lain dalam hidup kita, semua suka, duka, sedih, bahagia, hanya sebentuk rasa tanpa ekspresi yang ngga bisa dibagi... hampa...
hmmm... sebuah alasan kuat untuk memperlakukan orang lain dengan bijak. :D
ok, kali ini alter ego yang mau komen, hahahahaha.....
What a great thoughts, man...
one of proven that make us think that u r a wise person...
keep it bro...
Semua-nya diciptakan menuju keseimbangan (kalau sudah tidak seimbang, mungkin kiamat/kematian ya). Kalau semua manusia sama, jadinya malaikat, atau setan (absolute stuff) atau malah Tuhan...
karena jika suatu system sudah seimbang yang ada adalah efesiensi (seperti system Carnot), tidak ada proses menuju kerusakan/kematian, yang ada hanya stabil.
@yellowtofu : Nah, idealnya memang begitu. Tapi, bukannya dalam fisika sekalipun, sistem Carnot itu juga hanyalah bayangan tentang mesin ideal yang tidak pernah ada? Susah juga mau menyeimbangkan semuanya secara ideal. Yang harus disadari hanyalah, bahwa kedua hal itu ada dan tidak bisa dihindari....
Anyway, analogi dengan mesin Carnot itu lumayan juga. Kayanya bisa jadi inspirasi untuk postingan berikutnya nih.....
Yeah... Carnot adalah sistem yang (mungkin) mustahil ada. Pernah dengar hukum thermodinamika? ... terkadang kematian disalah-pahamkan dengan sesuatu yang (hampir) stabil (entropy) hi hi.
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