Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Leaving Debate???

After my long and deep thought, I do realize that my problem mainly comes from debating world. Even Pat2's problem started from debate. I do love debate, but........ it all comes from debate.

Imagine there's no debate, Yason would not go over Astri and suddenly "ngelunjak", I would never go near Pat2. I would never met Astri..........

But, if I do, I would also never met my children........

So, should I leave the debating world?

Monday, September 19, 2005

Just bit words to say........

Sometimes, conflict happened because of different perception towards the world. Yeah, I do realize it, that what is rite for some people can be wrong for some people. They have their own justification towards their act, yet they know not that their action hurts other people........

Yeah, it's actually a matter of devil circle....... I don't know how to react......

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


(Chrys. Siddha Malilang)
Wanita bukanlah sebuah dada,
juga bukan pula sebuah paha
tidak juga sebuah vagina,
atau pula sebuah muka........
Wanita adalah wanita,
dengan segala rasa
dimahkotai dengan hina
dilingkupi bara yang menyala........
Wanita berdiri di sisi,
terlihat lemah dibanding lelaki,
yang hanya memakainya sebagai tempat mani,
dan meninggalkannya dalam sepi........
Wanita yang kemudian terikat,
seolah tak mampu melepas bebat,
tapi mereka telah tersurat,
untuk menjadi lebih kuat.......
Wanita diperam dalam siksa,
dilatih dalam derita,
dihias dengan semua luka,
dan dipoles oleh rasa sudra..........
Wanita berdiri tegar,
ditengah banjirnya cecar,
membawa rasa di tengah hambar,
bagikan sejuk bagi kasar.
Dedicated to alk women in my life, who bring me joy and rejuvinate me, though you may not realized it. Without you all, I won't be like the way I am now. Thanks all!!!

Monday, September 05, 2005


Well, I've been back to my old self, where I'm a 'slengean' boy. As if I've forgotten all of my sin in past (which is true....), and I've back into my old self again.........