Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Teaching and Dating

Teaching and dating are surely two completely different things. For me as well. I love teaching, and it has been my passion since God knows when. But dating? Hohohoho, it was a thing I'm bad in, at least until several weeks ago.

But who would expect that those two could intertwine and interconnect one another?

In what sense?

Let's see, what I've been doing these several days.

Teaching (set induction) : Good morning, class! How are you? How was your weekend? Anybody remember what we've learned last week?

Dating : Hi, good afternoon. How are you? How was your Dutch class yesterday? What did you learn?

Teaching (asking question) : So, who knows the answer for this question? (silent first) X, (another short silent) what does "it" refer to in this passage?

Dating : Well, (silent) X, (another short silent), where are we going?

Teaching (set closure) :
Teacher : Okay, that's all for today. And I am going to see you guys next week.
Students : Okay, bye!

Dating :
Me : Okay, so that's all for today. And I am going to see you on... (silent, because I realized that it was my habit of closing the class!)
My date : Huh? Of course we will see each other again. Why do you still doubt it?
Me : Oops, sorry! (be thankful that the habit of closing class is not identified!)

OMIDOG! Because I love teaching that much, I bring my teaching habit to the date??????? Geeee..... So those classes on Microteaching, Language Teaching Methodology, and Language Teaching Strategy are really internalized into my very soul.

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